GII’s business development activities pivot around commercialization of ground-breaking polymer and graphene technology in two pillars: GIM Concrete, Bricks & Tiles as well with other graphene-based rubber, plastic and other polymer products.

Concrete production contributes 8% of global CO2 emissions and carbon taxes are steadily increasing construction industry costs.It also uses fresh water, and needs many days to cure.

  • Our R&D partner, GIM, is developing proprietary graphene & polymer based GIM Concrete, Bricks & Tiles which solve the above issues. They are high-performing, competitively priced, AND sustainable. 

    Work is being done to incorporate landfill plastics, instead of virgin polymers.  Additional development will work towards making GIM Concrete, Bricks and Tiles potentially carbon negative.

    The GIM Concrete formulation is proprietary & the production process has patents pending. 

Companies are under increasing pressure to reduce waste, use sustainable materials and have their products become part of an increasingly circular economy.

  • GII works with major companies to help them develop graphene-based polymer products (e.g., plastics, rubber, vinyl, silicone) that can improve product performance, reduce product costs, AND become more sustainable.

    We work with customers to enable use of recycled materials in their existing products, instead of virgin polymers, enhancing their sustainability profile, while taking advantage of key features of graphene which enable higher performance, lighter and stronger products.